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At Black Billows, we offer more than just a platform for advertising—our unique approach is designed to empower your business to thrive. When you choose to advertise with us, you gain access to a comprehensive suite of benefits that can significantly boost your business growth and community presence.
Our content will feature top-tier Minority-owned cigar, craft and restaurant brands and spotlight minority-owned businesses that are thriving across communities. We aim to celebrate and elevate these businesses, offering our readers a curated experience of luxury and culture.
Black Billows Magazine LLC will also offer a branding component, networking events an workshops to help the achievement of our business community.
2025 Media Kit
Economic Empowerment Through Supporting MINORITY-Owned Brands
Supporting minority-owned businesses helps to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within the economy. It fosters economic growth and job creation within minority communities, helps to reduce income inequality, and can drive innovation and cultural enrichment.
Access to capital: Difficulty in securing loans and investment due to systemic biases and lack of financial networks.Market access: Limited access to broader markets and larger client bases.Resource availability: Insufficient resources for business development, including mentorship and professional networks.Discrimination: Facing racial and ethnic biases that can impact business operations and growth.
How can I support these brands?
Join our community! Buy their products and spread the word. By supporting these businesses, you contribute to a more equitable and diverse economy while enjoying unique products and services.
Your support will enhance your brand’s reputation and contribute to the empowerment and success of minorty-owned businesses. We have partnered with the “She Can Work Foundation”, and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to support black women in business while giving them the education and training that they need to succeed.
Together we can make a difference
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top tier features
Cigar Shops
OUr PUblication
Showcase Achievements
Cultural & Lifestyle
Minority-Owned Business
Executive Business Community
Tailored Solutions for Business Success
Networking Events
1-on1 Consulting with a member of the Executive Community
... more
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